Initial Visit

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Orthodontic Appointment Information

On the first and subsequent visits we aim to provide children with full information about the visit, to help them overcome their anxieties. We firmly believe that this approach prepares the child to enter adulthood with a positive attitude towards dental health.

The first visit to Mount Lawley Orthodontics is always a Consultation. This gives the patient and their family a chance to get to know us and for your Doctor to make an overall assessment, generally no treatment is performed. To allow your Doctor to make this assessment, a series of diagnostic records are taken which includes photographs and x-rays.  Comfortable 3D Scans in the place of impressions may be taken of the patient’s teeth.

During this initial assessment, your Doctor will discuss possible treatment alternatives with you and your child. A written quotation and information package will follow your appointment. This package outlines treatment options, associated fees and the types of visits required.

Once you have elected to proceed with treatment we recommend you phone to reserve a series of visits to fit and adjust your child’s appliance.

The Orthodontic Experience For Children

Dental appointments for children are very different to that of an adult. Childhood and adolescence is an important period in a person’s dental life. Most children today have no fear of attending a dental surgery. Young people observe their parents and older siblings accepting oral care as an integral part of life.

Occasional Fear

Occasionally children do show signs of fear the first time their teeth are checked or after having a bad dental experience. This may be due to a friend or relative frightening the child either intentionally or unintentionally.

Your Child’s First Visit

While it is natural to want your child to have a beautiful smile, the focus of dental and orthodontic care should always be on healthy teeth and gums, not on appearances. If your child is seeing an orthodontist for the first time because of crowded or crooked teeth, do not put too much emphasis on his or her appearance. Straightening out crooked teeth caused by overcrowding or other issues takes time, and some corrective measures cannot be taken until the child reaches a certain age.

To prepare your child for their first visit to this practice we suggest the following:

  • Talk to your child about the forthcoming visit in a positive, matter of fact way. Always make sure to stay calm as a parent. If one parent is particularly anxious around dentists, have someone else take the child to the appointment. Children are very perceptive, and the parent’s anxiety can easily transfer from parent to child.
  • Explain to your child they will have a ride in the dental chair, have their teeth x-rayed, photographed and counted.
  • Avoid words like ‘needle’, ‘it won’t hurt’, as this suggests it might hurt, and children often only remember the word ‘hurt’.
  • Once your child is into treatment, discuss with our staff whether it is best to have a parent or guardian with the child or alternatively is it best for the parent to remain in the waiting room. Parents are welcome at all times to accompany their child into the surgery however we invite them to be in the main “passive observers”. This allows our staff to capture your child’s complete attention.

The Orthodontic Experience For Adults

Your first visit to Mount Lawley Orthodontics is always a Consultation. This gives our clients a chance to get to know us and for your Doctor to make an overall assessment, generally no treatment is performed during this visit.

To allow your Doctor to make this assessment, a series of diagnostic records are taken which include photographs, xrays and 3D Scans of your teeth.

During this initial assessment, your Doctor will discuss possible treatment alternatives with you. A written quotation and information package will follow your appointment. This package outlines treatment options, associated fees and the types of visits required.

Once you have elected to proceed with treatment we recommend you phone to reserve a series of visits to fit and adjust your appliance.