Bad Breath, it’s causes and treatment.
Bad breath is also known as halitosis and can be caused by various factors. These may include: Tips for the Prevention of Bad Breath include: Persistent bad breath can…
When is the right time to bring my child to see the Orthodontist?
Knowing when your child should see an Orthodontist can greatly impact their dental health and development. A referral letter from a general dentist is not essential. Orthodontics Australia recommend…
How do I choose a Toothpaste?
How to choose a toothpaste
Dental Impressions or a Digital Scan?
What is best – a Mould of the teeth or a Digital Scan? A “wand” containing small cameras is passed over the upper and lower teeth. In just a…
The Piercing Truth
Oral piercings come with associated oral health risks. It is important to make an informed decision on these risks prior to committing to one. There is a long and…
My Orthodontist has advised I would benefit from Jaw (Orthognathic) Surgery
For the very best treatment result your Doctor may recommend Orthodontics combined with Jaw Surgery. Jaw Surgery has risks, benefits and sometimes, the option of compromised alternatives. Surgical treatment…
Maintaining Straight Teeth Following Orthodontics – Retainers.
It is important to follow Retainer guidelines set down by your Orthodontist to keep your teeth straight following treatment. If you wish to maintain good tooth alignment over the…
Teeth Whitening After Orthodontic Treatment
You may feel your teeth are a bit discoloured and would like to explore options to achieve an all-round beautiful smile. Straight teeth with a white and sparking colour…
Vaping-It’s On The Increase
Vapes are electronic devices designed to deliver vapourised liquid into the lungs. You don’t want to become addicted to Nicotine or at risk of illness due to other unhealthy…
Smoking, Vaping and Your Teeth
What does Smoking and Vaping with Braces do to Your Teeth? Studies show that smokers are prone to higher levels of plaque and bacteria in their mouth Higher Bacteria…
How Can I Prepare Financially If Orthodontics Is On The Horizon For My Child?
Financial considerations for your Family’s Orthodontic Future. Mount Lawley Orthodontics offers both tailored treatment and financial solutions to suit our customers needs. Once children enter into the phase of…
Electric vs Manual Toothbrush
How do we weigh up whether an electric toothbrush is better than a manual one for our family? Q: Which teeth do I have to brush? A: Just the…