Brushing With Braces
How to brush your teeth with braces on Brushing your teeth with Braces Oral hygiene is extremely important and we are unable to start any orthodontic treatment on anyone…
Teledentistry and Remote Orthodontic Care
Information on remote Orthodontic care. What to do when you cannot visit your clinic. Teledentistry has always been useful for geographically isolated patients and has become relevant for all…
What Happens With My Orthodontic Treatment During COVID-19?
Information on how treatment is continuing through COVID-19 at MLO and what we are doing to ensure this. Thankfully in most instances progress continues to be made on your…
Thumb-sucking Tricks and Tips for Parents HELP, MY CHILD IS STILL SUCKING THEIR THUMB (OR FINGER/S) Thumb or finger sucking is a very natural and comforting habit. We have all…
Why Choose An Orthodontist Rather Than A General Dentist?
Orthodontists and dentists share similarities, and they work together to help you improve your overall oral health, but they actually work in very different ways. What are the differences…
Clear Aligners vs Braces – Weighing Up Your Options
We can often offer you different options for your orthodontic treatment, depending on the complexity of treatment you need. Each of these options has its benefits and disadvantages. We…